
Skerries Chess Club can be contacted by phone or email as below.

Committee 2023/24

Following the AGM the following were elected to the committee with the roles as specified. Those who are unable to subsequntly take up their roles will be omitted.

John Loughran - Chairperson, Secretary, Webmaster, PR Officer, Asst. Tournament Controller, Club captain, First team captain, Coach (FIDE Instructor), Vetting subgroup, Ratings Officer.
- 086 3745410, 01 8106776
- e-mail:
- Address: Cois Farraige, 59 The Park, Skerries Rock, Skerries, Co. Dublin, K34 YE64.

Eva Anderson - Treasurer, Junior Officer.
- 087 6856317
- e-mail:

Frank Sullivan - Vetting Contact Person - please text to arrange a time, Lead Supervisor.
- 086 8231682
- Address: 3 The Green, Skerries Rock, K34 VF57.

Paul Ryan - Tournament Controller.
- 087 7755777
- e-mail:

Patrice McMahon - Parents' Representative, Supervision Rota, Lead Supervisor.

Helena Flynn - Junior Officer, WhatsApp reminders for Parents' Rota, Lead Supervisor, Social Media.
- 086 2068100,
- e-mail:

Keith O'Brien - Prizes Officer.

Wayne McNamara - Coaching Officer.

Andrew Conneely - Coach.
- 085 1847274,
- e-mail:

Coaches - John Loughran, Mark Allidine, Owen Johnston, Martín Krug, Andrew Conneely, Paschal O'Shea, Cian Griffin, Joe Dunne.

Mark Allidine - PRO, social media.

Enda Joyce - Second Team Captain
- 086 1600050, 01 8492835
- e-mail:
- Address: 6A Rush Road, Skerries.

Dermot Murphy - Third team captain
- 087 6885102, 01 8490784
- e-mail:

Vacant roles and roles which we need help with include:

To see what each role entails follow the Volunteer menu above.